Saturday 23 April 2016



HABA! Why are our highly educated 'INDIVIJUAS' like this?
Why are they so highly educated above every other person yet know EVERYTHING?
There’s no ‘intelligent question’ I’ve not been asked by some of these persons I’ve erroneously felt deserved to have a glimpse of my National-Prize winning book even before it has been officially presented to the public.
For Heaven’s sake, I’ve written a creative, literary work of art; a pure work of my imagination and creativity. Not a form of thesis or research work. But the other day, while I was rushing to meet with a friend with whom we had made arrangements to go and see a printer in connection to the printing of invitation cards for the public presentation of my book, I came across this fellow, a PhD holder whom I had previously erroneously held in high esteem, but guess what comments and questions he had for me concerning my book:
‘…orne, do you mean to tell me that you can actually explain every single poem in that your “antakerada”?’ ‘Again, between “Euphoria” and “Sophistry” in the title of that “antakerada” of yours, which one of them is a dependent variable and which is the independent variable…?” He continued with an arrogant sense of self worth.
Before this, he had earlier sought to know what “Euphoria” meant and what the hell “Sophistry” was all about, and why I didn’t include explanatory notes for each poem! I was about answering the first two set of questions when he fired the dependent and independent variable missile. I simply told this ‘orvesen’ that what I wrote wasn’t a thesis.
This same ‘orvesen’ who has a spanking fresh and ‘tear rubber’ doctorate degree in a field as far away from literature as the toes are from the nose sought to know how in heaven I expected him to review my book when according to him he didn’t quite grasp what in the devil’s name more than half of the poems were talking about. Suffice to mention here that not even in my wildest dreams had I even considered asking the versatile ‘Doc’ in question to review my book! Hell was let loose when I told him that only those who are literary inclined could review a literary work (poetry) such as mine!
‘In that case, there isn’t any point at all to come and sit down so that I would at the end part with my hard earned money at your book launch!’ He declared, throwing up his arms as he looked round him desperately seeking for sympathizers.
Two days ago, I was in my home town, Katsina-Ala to see a handful of persons. I showed a copy of 'Euphoria of Sophistry' to an elderly man whom I respect like a father. He happens to lecture in one of these departments where without fear of contradiction, the only things they get to study right from primary school to their first, second and doctoral degrees are: ‘What a family is, what communication is, what transportation is, what a society is’ and all such kinds of stuff!
After taking about fifteen seconds to flip through 'Euphoria of Sophistry', he carefully searched amongst the last few pages of the book and assumingly, in his apparent disappointment, the only thing his eyes could see was a portrait of the author proudly clad in the native attires of the T-I-V positive people and the accompanying profile of yours truly. His words of commendation and encouragement were:
‘You see, my boy, in academics, we have standards. When we write anything, it is mandatory that we include our sources in form of what is known as “References”’.
Dear sisters and brothers, I'm afraid, as things stand as at this moment, I’ve tentatively resolved within me to stop showing my book to highly educated 'INDIVIJUAS'. I will henceforth, show my book only to stark illiterates, pepper sellers, shoe shiners, bus conductors, wheelbarrow pushers and the like, until further notice, or what do you think?

Terseer Sam Baki.

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